Sim W-3, W5 vs Classe 201

Which one is better to drive B&W 804 Nautilus? And why?
Anyone compare the two? Thanks
Goone, I have the Classe CA 300 amp and find it very smooth and powerful. Have matched my CA 300 to my friend's B+W 804N's. To my ears, the Classe has the best sound of any amp we've tried with his system (including Bryston, Levinson, Proceed, Thule and VTL). I've had good luck with Classe thus far. Highly recommended.

By the way, I agree that Levinson makes some great gear; have always been a fan of Levinson design and build quality. However, after owning Classe for the last year, I would be inclined to consider the Omega or Omnicron amps if I were spending that kind of cash.
I've been on this site for years now and seldom if ever get involved in these discussions. I only offered my opinion because Sim Audio equipment is too often knocked based on its (perceived)resale value. Comparing the cost of a used piece of equipment to its List Price does not always give accurate results. If the cost of the Levinson 335 and the Sim Audio W-5 were the same I probably would own the ML too. Factor in cost however and at least for me it is a different story. To Lev 335... sorry for jumping all over you following your initial post. My initial take on your post was incorrect and after reading it again you were probably were being more fair than I initially thought. As far as my post being ignorant I guess it was (at the time)intended to be. Sorry about that. I'm going to listen to some music now....
Msnloeth, Not a problem. Its just that sometimes people misunderstand me and think all I like is levinson when the bottom line is I like what ever brings the music to its most exalted level in my system. And for so far its been the Levinson. I have owned Krell Classe Levinson B&k and rotel and I have tried many other brands such sim audio and as I think they make a respectable product I didnt feel that it had the resolution or top end of equal to the Levinson. And if you own Sim and took offense to what I said Iam truly sorry. Regards Daniel

I am in similar shoes as you and have the CA201 and Moon W5 (among others) on my short list, though not to run with B&W. (Its Proacs for me.) I can't offer any additional observations to what has been hotly debated here(and I do love Levinson gear by the way, but out of my budget), but let me offer this, lately I am finding increasing interest and desireabilty in some other lines I had not previously considered, mainly the Electroacompaniet (120 or 180 monos) and the EVO 200.2 by Bel Canto. Not that I am sold yet on these, but they have become solid contenders for me. You may want to check them out (if only to further add to the confusion:) I think, at the end of the day, we should not get overly obsessed with it. Yes, if I were to compare my system to other higher priced amps, I can indentify my systems faults, but in day-to-day listening, I find I get used to my system with its faults and will enjoy its sound nonetheless. So, make a decission, enjoy it (which is what this hobby is all about) and then in the future, buy a Levinson if you can affort it.
