Center channel speaker which excels at dialogue

I am looking for a center channel speaker (up to about US$300) which is strong in the area of dialogue intelligibility and clarity. I read somewhere that some speakers are good at projecting effects and ambient details but not so good with dialogue. I place higher priority on dialogue so could I have your recommendations please.

Thanks in advance.
Obviously, all depends on your mains. List those so we all know what you are up against.
most center speakers are just main speakers turned on its side, the aerial cc3 center was 1 of the very few that was actually designed to be a center, I owned 1, after selling it, I went through several centers, aerial cc3b, aerial cc5, definitve, etc, I recently bought a used aerial cc3, and won't make the mistake of selling it again, the aerial may be a little more then your budget, but it is the best, good luck
See my post to your other thread. To repeat, the Spendor SC3 is a phenomenal center....