Help connecting, Vaio PC to Sony TV, please


I found this site by luck, and have no sleep from last night checking out the whole layout, wow this site is big. My problem follows:

I have the Sony KP-61HS30 TV, on the back it has a place where I would think, the connection from the PC will be going. It has a S-Video, then under that has a Video and L/R Audio connections.
The Vaio is a 2.5GHz P4, 512MB PC-2100 DDR, 64MB Nvidia
GeForce4 MK 440. On the back has a S-video (out) and in the front has a S-video with video and L/R Audio (input).

I'm not a wiz when it comes to this, but I do know somethings. I thought I would hook up a S-video cable from the (out) on the PC and connect it to the back of TV. When I switched the TV to Video 1, nothing shows. I do not know what I'm doing wrong, or if I have the correct setup, cables, or whatnot. Please if anyone coujld just lend a hand or two, it would be of great help. I'm trying to get the kids to do some work on the TV, and Hubby is not to PC friendly...thanks a bunch

Linda Silka
Not sure what version of Windows you have... you can go to Desktop then right click any empty space to bring up a menu then select Properties then click Settings. Here you ought to have a selection of monitors to use. If this doesn't work, keepign the S-cable connected between the PC and TV, restart your computer. This should automatically let the computer know an external monitor is being connected. If this doesn't work, there should be a menu somewhere that allows you to turn on the monitor out connection of your PC. I have an IBM laptop, and somewhere on my active task bar, bottom right hand next to the clock, there is is a menu icon that allows me to configure my laptop settings. Maybe your Sony has something similar.
Hi Linda:

What's the model of your Vaio? Need to know to check out what the PC is cabaple of doing.

Thanks for taking the time to answer. I have had no luck with getting this to work. Everyone I speak with is full of idea's but for some reason this does not work. I wish I knew what was wrong.
The model number of the Vaio RZ14G. I dont know what to try, my kids are really losing faith in me. Any info would be great, thanks again.

Linda Silka