Video Hum Bars


I understand there is a device that can either be bought or made to prevent hum bars from appearing becuase of a ground loop problem with the cable input. Mondial sells this device for around 100.00 (overpriced, I think)-which is a female to female jack that plugs in line with the cable cable- and then I remember someone in Audiogon had disribed taking to transformers and making your own device.

Any thoughts on how to make this unit?

You need a ground break where the coax attaches to your TV. You can get them a Rat Shack for a few dollars.
The device (Ground Isolation Transformer) is a band-aid and should be treated as such. If you can use the device with no side effects - great... If you have long cable runs, or connections to multiple devices - keep in mind the shielding on all of the cable past the device is floating and thus an antenna. Problems are usually worse in urban / suburban settings.. Best choice is to figure out whats wrong with your cabling / grounding - may not be the easiest route, but the side effects fixing the problem are usually blacker AV presentation.
Thank Rwwear and J k I will follow both of your advise. I will spend a couple of bucks and see what the Shack as to offer..and I will check my cable runs....I do live in the 'burbs.