Bryston 6B availability?

Is there anyone in the know who can say when the 6BST should be available from dealers? Patiently waiting.
No, the 6BST hasn't been released yet. It's the same as the 4B only with 3 channels instead of two. It's a whole new beast.
I've heard they are sold out until mid-june. Check with your dealer to see if he pre-ordered any.
Well I finally received an e-mail from Mr. Tanner. He said the 6BST is about 1-1.5 months away. Maybe there was an old model 6B, but the new 6BST is a three channel amp, same power ratings as the 4B with output stages similar to the 14B.
If anyone is considering buying the new Bryston 6B-ST power amp, I suggest you contact Danny Oovlin at "BestofDeal". I have purchased Bryston gear from Danny and found him to be very professional, with very good prices. The easiest way to contact Danny initially is by E-mail at:

I have no personal or professional relationship with Danny -- I just like getting good deals and service!