Have Rogue Monoblocks, now what?

After hearing some Rogue equipment (and reading all the comments on Audiogon) I was able to get a pair of the monoblocks for a great price on Ebay. Now I need to figure out the next upgrade step. I have a Conrad Johnson PV5, and wonder what might match the Rogue well (besides, of course the Rogue preamps.) Or would I do better to get some NOS tubes for the CJ? I'd like to keep the preamp upgrade under $2000. I'm using Proac Tablettes now, but they'll get upgraded eventually as well. I listen to all kinds of music. Thanks.
as i said before leafs, i put *hundreds* of hours on the rogue magnum-version 99 i had in the 2 months i listened to it in my system. ya, i *did* complain about it when i 1st turned it on - it was *really* bad then! ;~) changing to nos toobs helped some, but not enuff, even after over 100 hours of break-in.

re: your comment that it brought out all the flaws in my equipment, all i know is i had accurate bass response down to subsonic levels, & an acoustic bass fiddle sounded like it was in my listening-room - both before *and* after i used the rogue 99, as well as a more extended & natural-sounding top-end.

seems to me a more accurate statement wood be my assoiciated equipment brought out the flaws of the rogue. as i said before - i believe an impedance mismatch caused the frequency-extension issues in my system, especially the bass being mia. rogue states the output impedance of the 99 is 100 ohms. my simple test of crossing resistors over the outputs showed it is *at least* double the 850 ohms output resistance of the cary slp98 i had on-hand, to try the same test. w/a 5.5m i/c between my preamp & my x-over, & a 25k-ohm input impedance of my x-over, the rogue obviously was not up to the task of driving the load presented to it. as i've also posted before, i'm sure that w/short i/c's, & an amp w/a higher input impedence, the rogue may wery vell acquit itself admirably. even so, i'd still choose a cary or melos preamp before a rogue.

it's really quite simple, i'm sorry it offends ewe. but, if anyone ever asks for adwice about rogue preamps, i shall offer them my experiences, whether ewe like it or not. your silly statements about the rogue exposing the flaws in my system, your continued outright lying about how long i owned it, & how much time i spent listening to it, your continued negative wotes *won't* stop me. i'm more encouraged by support from folks like redkiwi, and my desire to honestly aid fellow audiophiles looking for adwice. poor sgreenberg, who started this thread - how has yer input helped *him*?!? all he knows is yure fanatic about rogue, everyting else must be junk. he knows nuttin' about the sound characteristics of *anyting*, based upon yer statements.

once again, leafs - grow up, doug s.

My input has hopefully led him to consider the Rogue.Unlike yours.
I dont spend time pissing on gear I dont like.
I hear tons of stuff week in and week out.If I piped in and bad mouthed every piece of bad stuff I heard it would be a mile long.
I prefer to talk about the good stuff I have heard.
I praise things that sound good even if I dont own them.
Doug I dont need to grow up. You do.
Its just that I am so tired of seeing you post the same wawawa on the Rogue.
Your system did not work with it.Its your system faults.
Every post and review I read on the 99 says its great.
I own a 66 and am happy.
Both units rate 5.00 on AudioReview and one is a class b component in Stereophile.
So back to the point.
You posted it once twice three times its time to get over it and shut up about it.
sgreenberg,sorry if I have been of target.I am sick of Sedond anti Rouge post.Once twice three times,after 25 times it gets tired.
I have a Rogue 66 which Mark upgraded last summer.While it was away I bought a CJ PV-7 and used it for about 2 weeks.Its is a very nice preamp had some Mullard NOS in it.I really enjoyed it.
Once I got my upgraded 66 back I was realy blown away by how good it sounded.It has become even better with breakin time on it.
I am very happy with this product and can say it sounded better than the CJ-PV-7.
I use Rogue 120 Mono's.
The best thing to do is try one and compare it with others.
Dont let someone who had a bad experience put you on the wrong track.
Sgreeenberg check out what owners of Melos gear have to say at WWW.audioreview.com
2 Models listed one rated by 30 users at 2.67 one rated by 9 users 3.67.
yes, rogue is worth trying. tho yer input until yer last post wood never give anyone a reason to try it. and, even in yer last post, the only info ya give about it is: "...I was realy blown away by how good it sounded... it sounded better than the CJ-PV-7...". gee, how informative!

in the right system, it may be great. it wood seem a logical choice to mate w/rogue amps. it isn't so much that i had a bad experience w/rogue - i have freely talked about the impedance problems i had w/it. it's yust that, imo, cary & melos preamps are nicer than rogue. if ewe tink this is pissing on rogue, then why did ewe yust piss on cj - is *that* ok???

it's nice to have a choice of tings to try. if someone is considering rogue, i will let them know of other product i tried that i liked better. let *them* decide - not everyone hears the same. when did i ever mention rogue when it wasn't in the thread subject?

meanwhile, until ewe own a-gon, yer repeated postings to tell me to shut up about it are laffable. and, if ya *did* own a-gon, and ya wanted to censor honest opinion about product, who'd wanna participate?

all grown-up, doug s.