re: your comment that it brought out all the flaws in my equipment, all i know is i had accurate bass response down to subsonic levels, & an acoustic bass fiddle sounded like it was in my listening-room - both before *and* after i used the rogue 99, as well as a more extended & natural-sounding top-end.
seems to me a more accurate statement wood be my assoiciated equipment brought out the flaws of the rogue. as i said before - i believe an impedance mismatch caused the frequency-extension issues in my system, especially the bass being mia. rogue states the output impedance of the 99 is 100 ohms. my simple test of crossing resistors over the outputs showed it is *at least* double the 850 ohms output resistance of the cary slp98 i had on-hand, to try the same test. w/a 5.5m i/c between my preamp & my x-over, & a 25k-ohm input impedance of my x-over, the rogue obviously was not up to the task of driving the load presented to it. as i've also posted before, i'm sure that w/short i/c's, & an amp w/a higher input impedence, the rogue may wery vell acquit itself admirably. even so, i'd still choose a cary or melos preamp before a rogue.
it's really quite simple, i'm sorry it offends ewe. but, if anyone ever asks for adwice about rogue preamps, i shall offer them my experiences, whether ewe like it or not. your silly statements about the rogue exposing the flaws in my system, your continued outright lying about how long i owned it, & how much time i spent listening to it, your continued negative wotes *won't* stop me. i'm more encouraged by support from folks like redkiwi, and my desire to honestly aid fellow audiophiles looking for adwice. poor sgreenberg, who started this thread - how has yer input helped *him*?!? all he knows is yure fanatic about rogue, everyting else must be junk. he knows nuttin' about the sound characteristics of *anyting*, based upon yer statements.
once again, leafs - grow up, doug s.