Seperating 2 channel and HT in the same system.

I am trying to go from 50/50 music/ht to 70/30 music/ht. I want to use the internal DAC from my CD player instead of the DAC from the pre/pro.

Should I get a pre/pro with a true analog bypass or add a preamp for 2 channel listening? If the latter, how would you hook up a preamp so that the CD player signal does not get routed through the pre/pro and still be able to listen to HT through the same main speakers?

Doesn't a preamp have to go out to the amp? If I route the preamp to the pre/pro, the pre/pro will run it through it's own DAC again. The only way to cure this would be to constantly change the connections from the preamp to the pre/pro whenever I want to change from CD to HT.

Isn't there a better way to integrate a system?
The Lexicon CP-3Pro is really alot of processor if you had ever read the reviews on it. I would be willing to try another SS Pro. in my system to see what it could do ,but the cost is rather substantial after all the upgrading I have done in the last year. I shall be making a few finishing touches before considering the AC-3.

Still need to get the CC Speakers which will be a pair of NEAR M10's with Modified Drivers to match the Modified NEARs I have at present and upgrade the Crossovers by changing all Cap\Resistors for all speakers (Mains\CC\Rears)make DIY Sub and DIY Rack after getting everything else in order.

I still have a set of LeAmpII's on the way also.So this has been an extensive and long overhaul.So it will be awhile before getting another SS Processor,but you never know I might run into some extra cash down the line.

I have an integrated system using the Anthem AVM20 v2 as my HT pre/pro running into the Cary SLP2002 2 channel preamp. The Cary has a HT bypass input. The Cary can be found for under $2000 used and when paired with the right tubes it is to die for at this price. It also has a tubed headphone output which may or may not be of interest. It has both balanced and single ended inputs and outputs. I too was heavy into HT but once the HT started sounding better as a 2 channel system, things went the other way quickly. I will say that the 2 channel preamp is probably the key component next to good clean power to make the 2 channel really start to shine. Of course a good cd player, proper amplification and the right mix of cabling plays a part as wel, but a good tubed 2 channel preamp gives the system dynamics, depth and a huge presentation.
My plan is somewhat simliar to Seldon, where you have 2 channel on the balanced side, and HT on the single ended side. Only I'm going to try a CD player with a volume control and a digital input, with the balanced outs. The digital input will allow me to listen to concert DVDs,in PCM, through the better dac of the CD player. I can always add a pre/pro later (classe SSP 30) to improve the sound of my HT, or an active preamp, if that's necessary, a la Seldon. But for now I believe that the CD player (resolution audio) will end my search for sonic nirvana.