Levinson 380S or Hovland 100?

I've recently migrated from primarily HT to 2-channel. I just added a Sony 777ES SACD player to my system, which consists of Aerial 7B's driven by an EAD Powermaster 2000 amp (400 watts/ch). Interconnects are Harmonic Tech Pro Silway MkII.

While I still enjoy HT, 2-channel is now taking up 90% of my time and interest. Now I must find a preamp to go with the SACD player. I've never owned tube gear, but have read tons of reviews and opinions regarding it's unique sound. Here's my question. . .

In the $6,000-$7,000 price range, what are your opinions and suggestions? I'm leaning toward the Levinson 380S. I feel comfortable with the fact that it's SS and I am familiar with the Levinson reputation for quality. Is this unit in the same league with the preamps mentioned in the previous "Hovland-pre thread?

I just read the Stereophile review on the CJ 17LS, and this could be in the running as well. Again, I'm inexperienced in the tube world, and don't want to be a slave to maintenance, tube replacement and such. Or are today's units virtually maintenance free?

Any first-hand info and opinions will be greatly appreciated. I love my SACD player, and want to be sure I'm getting the very best out of it I can.


Check out Thor TA-1000, one of the best preamps out there, regardsless of price. It also mates well with SS amp.
happy hunting.

May I ask which Levinson you wound up with? With all your experience, you must have had a particular reason for going with the Levinson.
Check out Convergent Audio tech. Ultimate Preamp. I have had it for a year, a great preamp..
i tink there's a 380s here on a-gon for ~$3.5k. but i *know there's a melos ma-333r yust put up here for $1900. *that's* the pre *i'd* buy... amazing dynamics, as accurate & detailed as the best solid-state, but still has the soundstage depth & warmth of tubes. w/output impedance of 15 ohms, (30 ohms in balanced config.), it'll drive any amp, & there's absolutely *no* toob-rush noise.

good luck, doug

Thanks, Doug. Someone else suggested a Melos also. I'm not familiar with this brand since I don't recall reading any articles or reviews. I'll do a little research and see what I come up with.

In my mind I've been going back and forth between the BAT VK50SE and the Levinson 380S. Both cost more than I truly want to spend. Then there's the SS vs tube thing.

There's even the possiblity of getting a new EAD Signature 8-channel processor with the new 8-channel analog bypass. It depends on EAD's implementation of the bypass. Their current processors sound very good even without the bypass. Trying to combine 2-channel & HT, this would be the most elegant solution.

I wish there was a way to audition these things in order to make an informed decision.

Thanks to all who have offered suggestions. All of them are still under consideration.
