Classe CP-35 pre and Classe in general

Hello folks,

I just brought home a CP-35 to audition it as a step up from the Rotel RC-1072 and Acurus RL-11 I had been auditioning. I liked it -- excellent high-end, very natural. Less harsh than the Acurus, but better definition
than the Rotel. This is the only pre-amp in it's range I've seriously auditioned.

This is a dealer demo, for $900, I believe list is $1200.

I'm a bit concerned by the reviews I saw on Usually reviews there are positive (even for stuff that's less nice to listen to),but these were decidely mixed. All the reviews for all the Classe equipment were pretty old. This made me wonder if people are still buying this equipment. The most recent CP-35 review (which wasn't very recent)described this as a discontinued model, though it is listed on the Classe
website as "new". Several reviewers mentioned background "hiss" or "noise" as a problem, though I don't hear it in my demo unit.

The higher-end pre-amps (CP-50 and CP-60) got more decidely positive (though old) reviews.

Has anyone compared this entry-level pre-amp to the higher-end Classe stuff, or other stuff in it's price range?

Here are some other questions/concerns (feature questions):

-- The remote is nice (better than the Acurus, which doesn't allow input switching), but doesn't appear to allow controlling a CD player. If you buy a Classe CD player, do you need two remotes?

-- No headphone jack. But there are two sets of pre-amp outputs, so I guess you hook up one of them to a separate headphone amplifier? If so, it appears you turn off your speakers by turning off your power amp. In many cases, this can't be done remotely.

-- The Classe amps and CD players are expensive, in case I want to "match" them. I haven't auditioned these, what do people think of them?

-- Is the company likely to be around for awhile?

Thanks for any comments/feedback you can offer.

- Eric

p.s. Sorry if you saw this on I posted there three days ago, but it seems the moderators have taken memorial day weekend off, so no posts have made it there. I'm hoping to get some suggestins by tomorrow when I have to return this gear!

I don't feel qualified to answer all your questions, but I don't want you to have to return it with no response at all. So, for what its worth: I have owned 3 classe amps, the CAP150, CA200 and CA401. I replaced the 200 with the 401 for extra power. I replaced the 150 with a Levinson 383 at three times the price for better sound. Not three times better, but better. I believe Classe makes some of the best amplifiers around. But....I do not feel that way at all about their CD players or their Preamps. Good, but not excellent. I am a true Classe Amp fan, so I don't tell you this to put down the company. For my listening pleasure, I prefer Meridian, BAT, Sonic Frontiers and Rotel CD players. I am not as certain about Preamps. I only listened to their less expensive versions last year, but I was not impressed. Hope this helps......
Thanks for that response! By the way, my speakers are Celestion S-300s, the only parts of my current system that I plan to keep long-term.
First off, if you like the sound, then go for it. Our collective opinions mean squat if your ears enjoy the sound. I own a Classe amp and preamp; I've owned Classe amps of various flavours for 20 years now. Classe products are terrific value, and in your price range I would encourage you to buy the preamp. To answer the rest of your questions...First, most high-end preamps don't have headphone jacks so you need to invest in an outboard unit like the Grado. You connect it to the tape out as you suggested; you can leave your amp on, simply select "tape" on the preamp and it will kill the signal to the amp and allow you to enjoy music through your cans. As for the value of the balance of the Classe line, the amps are incredible value but the tuner and CDP's strike me as over-priced (like most high-end companys that made their name with amps and such). Why do you feel compelled to build a system around one brand? Buy a Magnum Dynalab tuner and a top notch CDP. I happen to own a YBA CD player, I highly recommend it. Classe's tuners and CDP's are pretty damned good, but there is better in the same price range. If you want a matching system there's certainly nothing wrong with the Classe tuners and CDP's, buy them used off AudioGon and save a bunch of money. Finally, will Classe be around in the long haul? Well, they certainly have the track record so far, and living in Montreal and being in the electronics industry I've kept an eye on Classe. Solid company, with exemplary customer service. Buy with confidence. To summarize, do your homework on the price to make sure you're getting a fair deal, buy the preamp and enjoy the music. ATB, Jeff