Help with pre/pro for Krell/B&K/Martin Logans

I have Martin Logan Aerius fronts with a Krell KAV250a two channel and a B&K 4430 three channel for my center and rears. I am seeking a good pre/pro for HT that will also provide enjoyable stereo listening. Would welcome suggestions on which pre/pro to go with on a budget of around $2000. used from Audiogon.


Exactly what I am trying to achieve. The analog direct mode is what I was seeking without knowing it. My goal is to have both high quality music and HT. I will immediately research the Anthem & Bryston.

Sounds like you've put together a nice system. Thanks for helping me to quickly narrow my search...

Sorry Tok20000 did'nt mean to short change you on your suggestions. Just got a little quick on the response trigger.

Again, thanks a mil for the suggestions.
Now if you really want to get great 2 channel sound you can do what I do: Run your L & R surround channels through a two channel preamp. This is the way to ultimately get the best 2 channel sound.

I use a Pioneer 49TX receiver for my surround sound processing and 5 channels of amplification (I run 7.0 channel sound), running my L & R channels into my Ayre preamp.

This method is more costly, but will give you the best 2 channel sound.

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