Did you know that Audiogon...

now has a "sister" site named Videogon ? I didn't until a few minutes ago and thought that others might want to be made aware also.

I recently listed an HT pre / pro for sale on Agon and was given the option of having it appear on Videogon. Thinking that more exposure was better, i went for it. As it turns out, my ad appeared on Videogon but did not show up on Agon. That has me a bit confused, so i've emailed the "powers that be" to help me understand what's going on here.

As a side note, it appears that our Agon accounts will become "joint accounts" and merged with Videogon, but our member feedback regarding transactions will remain separate between the two forums / websites. While i don't really understand that, i included a question / suggestion about that also in my email to Agon.

Has anybody else checked out "Vgon" yet and / or have any comments about it ? How long has that site been up and running ? Will all the items that fall under "HT" gear now be shifted over to that site rather than appear here on Agon ? Sean
I think all Audiogon members got an email a few months back regarding the new site, and informing us that we'd have access/accounts on VGon as well.
Hope the "powers that be" will have one HOME PAGE for both even tho things are then kept separate. Then it's simple to select "Audio new today" or "Video new today" etc. Chuck
I ran into that site from a link on the avs forums while researching the latest pre/pros about 3 weeks or so ago.
The Videogon site seemed new then.

The transfer of feedback from A-gon to V-gon ...or lack of, doesn't seem right imho.
You would think that feedback from A-gon would transfer to V-gon.
They're just getting going - I had some listings on Audiogon last month and I got an offer to *also* list them on Videogon. (They were AV-related, a pre/pro and a 6-ch amp.)

I got a couple of bites from that site, but overall about half as many views as the same ad on Audiogon.

Looks like it'll be a great new market place after the word spreads.

Note that there aren't any discussion forums on Videogon - they're all expected to be here.
I found the Vgon site about a month ago through an ad on Agon. I can't access any forum discussion on Vgon. Many categories have no listings due to site being so new. I thought I was seeing some of the same components on both sites. Why not just expand Agon? Wdt