Tubed Headamp for Grado RS-2 ?

What, in anyones experience, is a good tubed headamp for the Grado RS-2 headphones? Using a Grado RA-1 ss headamp at the moment and not happy with the sound of the amp. Listen mostly to classic rock, jazz, solid gold oldies. Anybody having better results with the Grado RS-2 (RS-1) and a particular tubed headamp? Thanks in advance
I have the Grado RS-1/RA-1 combo and it is near perfect; improing on my older Stax by quite a bit (to be fair the Stax were over 15 years old).

I found that pluging RA-1 directly into the source (in my case, a Sony SCD-1) greatly improves te sound. This contradicts others who have suggested that a good tube preamp (Audio Research, Joule, BAT, etc.) helps the sound over direct out. I will be reviewing the RA-1 with three preamps later this month (a Classe 60, a Placette and my current First Sound Refernce passive) and I will post the results here. I will also be testing the Grado's arch rival, the Sen 600's. The earcan audiophile crowd seems somewhat divided as to which is better the Grado RS-1 or the Sen 600 -- but the general thought is that they both sound very good -- just different.

As, for tube headphone amps, Headroom sells the Wheatfield H2, an amp that is very favourably reviewed. Go to and and read the reviews.
Lornecherry thanks, headwize's forums are down at the moment. Can't find a server that can handle the increased activity for his budget. Sad, headwize was very informitive. I am using a Classe ssp50 (same analog pre as the CP-50) into the RA-1 but find the little Grado amp very detailed with good dynamics and pace. But also very forward and well, typical ss sounding. Using a decent source (Classe CDT-1 transport) that sounds great with the Aerials. Maybe its the RS-2s i don't like. Would the HD600s and RA-1 sound more laid back and not in your face like the Grados RS-2s. Whats the difference between the RS-1s and 2s? I need some advice (help). Also the Grados are uncomfortable, that foam is making my ears raw. Any comments how the Sen HD600s sound?