Home Theatre Processor reccomendation

Looking at a host of used versus new equipment and have the following decision to make. If new, looking at the Sunfire Grand Theatre 3 and the B&K Reference 50. Used components include the Cal Audio CL 2500, the Classe SSP 75 and the Krell Showcase. Assume any of these will be a tremendous upgrade to the current surround sound setup which utilizes the Adcom GSA 700 looped through a classe CP 60 pre-amp.

Any and all feedback/thoughts is much appreciated.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmattkimb96
anybody have any experience with the new audio refinement processor? retails for something like 1400
Im looking at the Bryston SP 1.7 and Anthem AVM20. In fact im going to audition both side by side on monday. The main reason im interested in these units is the analog bypass mode. This bypasses all the HT processing within each unit making a solid 2ch preamp.

The Anthem has internal high bandwidth video switching and VERY flexible crossover settings for each speaker. A huge +

The Bryston is "supposed" to have a higher emphasis on the 2ch analog mode equal to the bryston BP-25 2ch preamp. Although lacking video switching and crossover flexibility. Including the SPV-1 video switcher the Bryston path will set you back atleast $2000.00 more USD. Is that warranty (20 years) worth it?

Can anyone else add anything to this thread?

I'm very curious about your results. Living in Maine, doing an A-B is impossible for me. I'm more interested in the musicality of each unit. Let us know what you think. Thanks.
If you want the best sound for your 2 channel, you can use the Adcom GFP-750, which is about as clean as you will ever get and loop through for the surrounds. Adcom has some newer surround systems that are coming out I am anxious to hear. The engineers bought out the company, apparently, and are back to building the way they used to be. They don't have specs yet on their new GTP-880, which is going to be their new flagship, but it looks promising.

Well my result was inconclusive. Due to time contraints I wasnt able to audition each with the same amp. The Bryston was on a 4B SST running B&W n803's. We then moved the n803's over to the Anthem AVM20. Although the cd player was identical, the Anthem MCA 20 amplifier is not in the same class as the Bryston 4B SST. The Byston was clearly more resolved sounding through the upper mids and highs.

Im going back to audition each using identical amps on Friday. I will post my findings then.