Comcast HDTV???

Anyone have the Comcast HDTV Service? I am getting the box this week, and the folks on the phone at Comcast (Eastern PA) can't seem to help me out on what connections I need. I would assume that it needs to have component video out, but I believe it also has a digital out for DD 5.1. Toslink or RCA?

I need to make sure I have proper cables to tie into my processor before moving THE BEAST (My cabinet is about 400 lbs unloaded) from it's niche.

I am under the impression(from knowing how the cable companies "load stations" onto their bandwidth) that the HD is very "compressed" on cable! I know cable companies have been notorious for jamming lots of info into limited bandwidth. So I am currious as to the overall picture quality. Perhaps, once you get the cable going in HD, if maybe you can report back as to the quality of picture you're getting! If so, please be subjective and let us know if you're getting lot's of "artifacting" and such! I would be interested to know what cable has to offer in HD!
Overall, my cable quality has "Stunketh!" Thanks
I have Comcast here in the Washington, DC area, and I have an HDTV as well. I would be very curious to hear about your impressions, should you go the Comcast HDTV route in the end.

I have Comcast here in the Washington, DC area, and I have an HDTV as well. I would be very curious to hear about your impressions, should you go the Comcast HDTV route in the end.

When I talked to Comcast here in Flint Michigan the told me they had three HD channels: ABC,HBO and Showtime. They would be adding more down the road. They have a one time $29.95 hook-up fee and five dollars extra a month starting in March if I hook up now. I forgot to ask anything else as that was not enough channels for me.