Speakers in a wall unit

I'm building a home theater in a 14x22x8 ft room. The only catch is that I need to consider WAF so I have agreed to place the front and center speakers inside the wall unit I'm having built. The good news is that the unit will be custom made so the speaker area can be any size and shape I need. The bad news is obviously that I don't have much flexibility regarding speaker placement. I can probably toe them in a bit and build the cabinets to get them as far away form the corners as I can but I will be somewhat limited. Any suggestions for speakers that would perform well given this limitation would be appreciated. Budget is $3-4000 for entire 5.1 set up.

Go to www.Cabasse.com They have a system that has a high WAF They look like art but sound great. take a look at the Ki system you can do the center channel for the front three and then throw in some in walls for rear. You need to add a sub alsothe floor standing and the centers have the same internal air space so if you mix and match they will sound the same.