Atma-shere preamp comments

I'm thinking of selling my ARC ref-1 for an mp-3 w/phono. anyone have thoughts on the mp-3? How about the mp-1 in case i ever strike it rich? I'm having an impossible time tracking down used ones.
thanks in advance.
Kublakhan, Here are some resources to take a look at if you've not already found them:

Review of MP-3 in

Atma-Sphere Owners Group discussion board, search for comments...
Just bought an MP-3 with phono stage. It blew away a Sonic Frontiers SL2 if that's a recommendation. So far, it's mighty fine.
travis, can you comment on the phono stage of the pre? i've only been able to find small reviews here and there but they virtually ignore the phono section.
