Tale of the preamps

I ahave recently been bitten by desire to add greater detail to my system. I believe the musicality offered via Jadis JP80MC pre may be limiting frequency extremes and inner detail. I own CAT amps and Eidelon...I believe neither of these components are lacking in bottom extension nor well defined presentation. I have owned the Jadis for 5 years or so, with no desire to surrender the music for hi-fi. But....a friends system, Eidelons/Atmasphere MA1s/Wadia exposed an inner detail which gave birth to a new itch. The CAT ultimate has been strongly suggested, but some comments allude to a cerebral rather than visceral interpretation. Any suggestions, especially from those who may have heard the Jadis are appreciated. The world of give and take.
Oh, not again! You don't think during an emergency stop of traffic, do you? You just do (step on the brake)! ;-)
Oh, 6ch, you are so easily brought into the web of ideas that you decry. You braked again right here...

Don't be attached to idea; don't be attached to not having ideas.
6ch: this is the second old thread that I was on that I see you've gone back and found. Why are you doing this? Muralman, the person who you allied with in our last conversation together, was doing the same thing in this same time window. Why? I will contact you directly to find out.