Solid state amplifier $2K Used or New

System B&W Nautilus 805
Audio Electronics AE-1 Preamp
Meridian 506.20 Cd Player
Synergistic Research Cabling

Looking at possiby Krell KSA50S, Krell KSA100S, Ayre V-3, BAT VK200, McCormack DNA 125, NAD S200
Any other suggestions?
Pass Labs. The Aleph series can be had for a steal (used) at less than half retail. If you can get ahold of an X-series, by all means give it a listen. I had a Bryston 4B ST & replaced it with a Pass Aleph 5. The Bryston is a very nice amp but I found it to be too dry; in other words too analytical. The Pass has a better soundstage, more detail, tighter bass & is definitely more musical. I also have a Meridian (506.24). Ultimately you have to pick a unit you will be happy with, so if possible audition with the rest of your gear. Have fun!
Just my two'd be hard-pressed to find a more musical amp than the bat vk-200 for around this price used. Has all the tube-like liquidity with the bass weight and precision associated with solid state. Good luck!
No contest---get the Electro from Sedond above--a beautiful sweet and musical Amp and only $800 !

Classe 200 or higher up the line I've been using for aboutn 4 years now - hard to beat the performance and power for the $$$.
I will have to also give a nod to the electro above from sedond.I sold my aw120 a while back and regret it to this day.Electrocompaniet amps are sweet,detailed and have more current then any of the above mentioned amps and produce a wonderful soundstage.