Just a quick note from a very interested but not very widely listened beginner/hobby-ist:
Bel Canto and Harbeth are out of the price range. not sure about the others (specifically Peachtree, as i seem to remember them having some very quality lower/beginner-budget pieces, can anyone else help here?), but my suggestion: do some quick searching on those names and see what you come up with (price wise).
NAD and Rotel certainly have integrateds within your (his) budget, and also make quality items.
Questions for you:
1: is he wanting/needing new items, or will used suit him fine? you can score some great deals on (lightly) used items here (as i'm sure you're aware), saving tons of money and getting great sound in the process.
2: is he looking for a dedicated 2(.1) channel system, or is he wanting Home Theater stuff (5 channels or more)?
3: does he need/want sources within this budget (cd/dvd player, phono, etc.)? or is it just the integrated and a pair of speakers he's after?
4: what kind of listening does he (and his roommates) do? rocking party jams? quiet introspective evenings with art-house friends? is he in the choir... or do they watch movies and kill each other on X-box/Playstations?
depending upon the answers to the questions above, you may want to steer him towards any/all of the following:
Sim Audio Moon I1: integrated amp made in canada; 2 on audiogon right now for $900 and $999. this is my bedroom system/dedicated 2 channel amp, and i love it. 'only' 50 wpc, but clean, clear and delicious sound.
Emotiva: direct-to-market (internet sales only) outfit designed in the US but made where labor is cheap: kinda win-win, especially for those on a just-out-of-school budget. emotiva.com (and there are a few emotiva products on audiogon currently).
Onkyo: more for home theater stuff, but great sounding and well priced.
Marantz: as above, slightly more expensive, and most would agree that the sound quality is worth it. used marantz (especially their HT stuff, which is universally lauded) here on audiogon is well discounted, but their vintage stuff can get pricey...
speakers: used B&W to fill his budget really can't go wrong, but they seem... ubiquitous ('cause they're awesome!). if he's looking for more chic-appeal, he may have to dig deeper into his paychecks =]
Also, don't forget cables etc. some will swear by Radioshack copper wire, others insist upon... others. just make sure to keep them in mind for budget, and depending on room size/space/layout, more might be in order to accommodate roommates (not tripping) etc.
a place for more discussion/opinions and help for this kind of thing would be audiocircle.com. lots of helpful folks there, as well.
Good luck, and let us know how you/he goes!