Are they truly balanced?

I was wondering if all quality preamps that offer both single ended and balanced connectors are truly balanced designs. I'm pretty sure that the BAT equipment is of this design. But what about those preamps from the other high-end companies?

The reason I'm asking is that I've got an EMC-1 CDP that many people say sounds better using the balanced output. My current pre is single-ended only. My power amp is balanced though. I'm thinking that maybe a balanced pre would make the whole system sound better.

Any thoughts?
Please check my posting of 07-19-01 under Digital.
I made a short summery of a review of EMC-1 MkII,
and mentioned that the Dac of that player will
be sold separately,according to the review in
the Norwegian magazine Audio.
i personally prefer balanced but i think it is way down the list of significance in system performance. execution of circut design is way more important than balanced verses single-ended. i like the symetry of the balanced concept and the noise rejection makes sense but i have not compared the 2 approaches enough to say there is a consistent difference in performance.

if you are happy with your current single-ended gear i wouldn't switch just for that design issue. if you were to re-think your whole system and go balanced that would be the time to do it.
Thanks, Hakan. I read your post with great interest. Are you saying that the upsampling 24/192 dac for the EMC-1 can be used as an outboard dac with the Sony 777es as well as the Emc-1?

I thought the upgrade was an internal plug-in card that could only be used with the EMC-1. If not, then that would be wonderful. I would definitely give that a try before deciding on which machine to keep.

Please let me know if I've misunderstood you. Thanks for leading me in the right direction.

