Help me put a system together for my son

One day out of no where my (future) daughter in law say's my son is collecting albums. I had no idea he had any interest in audio, let alone vinyl (must have been paying attention to my hobby after all!) . They are in the process of buying a condo where his system will be used. He mentioned that bass was not important to him and that he was more interested in good midrange system. So far I picked up a (new) Rega RP1 TT that came complete with tone-arm & Ortofon cartridge. I am in the process of acquiring a used pair of Magnapan MMG. Keeping a low budget cost in mind, what amp/ pre amp or integrated would you think would work with what I have so far. And, he will need a phono pre as well. He has no interest in any other source at this time, just a vinyl set up.
In my experience the MMG's are pretty light in the bass as compared to the more full-bodied but older SMGa's. The MG12's are pretty good too (more bass than the MMG's) but will cost more. You might well want to consider a pair of the Tekton Design M-Lores for around $600 if you can swing it as they are efficient and can be powered by almost any amplifier (unlike the Maggies).

If you go with the Tektons you could get a used Adcom 3020 integrated or perhaps one of their separate preamps feeding a sweet little EL34 tube amp (maybe Jolida, etc.).

Anyway, these are just some very good alternatives to ponder.

Good luck to you. BTW, I checked out your system and you have some pretty nice gear. :-)
Thanks for your comments. I am locked into the Maggie MMG's as I made the deal already and am picking them up soon. As I mentioned, my son is not big on bass so hopefully these will work out for him.

I just researched the Rega Brio. Sounds like a lot of bang for the buck integrated. Do you think it will drive the Maggies?

I should also mention that buying used is OK too.
I'm not a big fan of Magnepan speakers but I have owned the 1.6's. One of the amps I tried was a Cambridge Audio integrated (640v2). It did a very decent job of powering the 1.6's in the living room of a nice size condo at medium listening volumes. (Approx. 15x25). An entry level unit from them should be more than enough for a pair of MMG's. Cambridge also makes a very nice, low cost phono preamp to match. Lindisfarne mentions the Rega. I don't think you can go wrong with that one either. I would just make sure that it can make enough power to drive the speakers.
The Brio is a very nice 49w int. amp which does have a good phono pre-amp built in, which used would be under $400. But no headphone jack. I personally have not tried but I would take a good look at the Marantz 6004. The NAD 326BEEE comes to mind as well. Not sure if around 50w is enough power to drive the maggies. I suppose if they are not pushed too hard, they would be alright. If one were to go used, the choices are quite extensive. A powerful older amp matched w/a good pre-amp. Bulky and take w/more space but probably better able to drive the spks. Good Luck!