where do you cross over your ht setup

hello. i am just wondering where everybody else crosses over there ht system at. thx says 80hz with speakers set to small. some speaker co. say set front mains at 60hz the rest set at 80hz set to small. i even read one speaker co. in a reveiw say 20-30hz and set speakers to large. if you are driving a full range speaker system with a stand alone powered sub what do you fellow audiogoners find best. also when using a spl meter do you set up your system at 75? thanks.
You're kidding right? I have no problems with EQ's. Not sure where you gathered that from. I'm also not sure what "old ideas" you think I'm holding on to.

If you can get linear response to 20hz with your mains why cut them off at 80hz? If you can get linear response to 35hz with your surrounds why cut them off at 80hz? Can you answer this in any reasonable way?
Vedric...Take off the grill and look at what your woofer is doing while it reproduces 20 Hz (or even 30 Hz). Do you want that going on while it is trying to reproduce the critical 80-800 Hz range? Same goes for the power amp.
no room is linear.no room is linear.period.your gear might be linear , but your room is not and i would be willing to bet dollars to dougnuts that your room modes are there and you have yet to address them or are willing to do anything about them.what we are trying to say is that if your perfect room is indeed perfect keep on keepin'on.i doubt it is because they don't exist my friend.it is easier to eq a single sub than put up with the room modes from five separate locations.do the math, it is impossible and denial is your worst enemy.i would love to go back and forth but this will be my last post and as Bruce Williams says,"I wish you well"
You guys are nuts! :)

Eldartford first.. I dont think you have followed what ive said very closely. I do crossover my speakers just not at THX cinema standard 80hz or higher. Its a waste if you have useful linear output below that point.

Kgveteran I can tell you a thousand times I have fairly flat response to 30hz (-2db'ish) with my mains. Im down 4-5db'ish at 25hz. I have a 2-3db peak around 60hz but this is a voicing issue. What a waste to cut them off! I also am most certainly NOT sitting in the middle of a room mode. If you wish snub your nose and call me a liar its no skin off my back. Keep on keeping on and I will as well, enjoying proper placement of 5 channel mixes all the way.

Vedric...I read your earlier post. Sorry, but I believe that a 25Hz crossover (mains) is just about the same as no crossover. 35 Hz (center) and 40 Hz rears barely qualify as a X/O (IMHO). Remember that no crossover is a complete cutoff, and there is significant signal below the nominal X/O frequency.

You argue that LF capability of the mains should not be "wasted". OK. Why waste the HF capability of your SW?(if you can call 80 Hz HF). If your SW can't run up to 150 Hz or so without difficulty you need a different SW.