Need Speaker Set Recommendations for Newbie

I have Spica TC50s/Kinergetics as my speakers for my home speaker set. Unfortunately, these just don't pack quite enough punch for my home system. They are great for music and vocals but get overloaded when aliens invade my living room.

Can someone point me to a link or other resource to help me find a speaker set that would be decent for a home theatre setup? I'm thinking in the $1000-$1500 range (if that is even enough). My receiver right now is a HK AV300. I like the receiver sound and its functions for my non-audiophile ears. It may be lacking a little power, though.

I'm a total newbie. I'm sure this has been asked many of times so maybe someone can point me to another thread that has some speaker recommendations.

Thanks for all and any help!


Good audio performance is all about synergy. I am sure there are many technical aspects of performance that account for the synergies, but these are mostly beyond my comprehension level.

The first thing I would do when looking for a good amplifier match for a given speaker is to look at what other users of same speaker use. The proof is always in the pudding. Perhaps the best resource will be the speaker designer himself. He has probably heard about all the amps that have been successful with his design.

My brother has a pair of Spica Angelus loudspeakers, so I know what kind of sound you are priviledged to possess. When he had his setup he was using an 80 watt GAS amp. I think you would get some very good advice by contacting Paul Speltz at He markets a product called the Zero autoformer that may help you with the components you already own.

As previously mentioned, the Edgarhorn Slimline speaker with supporting subwoofer, might very well be the ticket for you. I don't know how to contact Bruce Edgar, but he posts frequently at the High Efficiency Speaker forum at Audio Ayslum. Like Paul Speltz, I am sure you would get extremely good information from Mr. Edgar if you chose to explore this route. My brother, that owns the Spica's, really loved the Edgarhorn Slimlines we heard at an audio show. I think he might very well end up purchasing these some day.
The Autoformer is interesting! I had no idea you could actually change the speaker impedience with a component. A bit steep in price, though... $950 / pair! For that price, I could buy a new NAD which is made for the 4 Ohm speakers.

I don't think John Bau (the maker of Spica) is really available any more. He sounded like he retired from the audio business when video got more popular.

I was just reading the Spica manual and he says "if you have a video audio system, you're in for a real treat!" How ironic that the video market is what turned him off from continuing to make speakers.

Like I've mentioned, I'm not really a super audiophile, I'm just trying to understand how my system goes together and what are its limitations. I've already learned a lot from everyone and appreciate all the continued input!
You don't need to purchase the enclosed version of the Zero. The raw version is just as effective. Also, I am not suggesting you need to purchase these to get good advice from Paul Speltz. I think he would give great amp advice out of his love for things audio. He is the current President of the Audiophile Society of Minnesota.