buzz/hum from tv

I have a 31" Panasonic tubed tv in a HT set up. I am using the Paradigm Studio 100's/450cc/dipolars for speakers. Ensemble wires rca's/power. Integra Research RDA7 amp and Marantz av9000 preamp. I have a minor noise, when the tv is off, with system on, but the noise is about 3x as loud when the tv is on.
I have also noticed that the closer the speakers are to the tv (front/center), even with the sound system off, (tv on) the speakers pick up a buzz. There is also a buzz from the tv's own speakers (which I do not use).
I believe it's the tube of the tv. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I disconnected the cable (no difference). Switched tv power to a different outlet(power line) still no difference. I have a dedicated power line to my system (20amp) and I am running a (Quantum octave 8) power strip from there with my amp, preamp and tv. Then another strip (ensemble) is powering my cd player, dvd player, cable box and vcr. The ensemble strip is powered by the octave also.
I do have a dimmer switch on a light in the next room, I could disconnect that or maybe just turn off that switch from the fuse panel to see if the noise is still there. Please let me know. I thank you people for your responses.
Start with just the amp. and speakers. Then connect one component at a time. Keep us posted!

I suspect all will be okay and then when you hook-up the TV, the humm will return. Few of us have all that much good luck combining TV with stereo.

Also, look to your television source, be it cable or Satellite. There is power coming into the system from those feeds and they are often incompatible with high-end stereo.
I have tried all mentioned. No Luck. I talked to a tv repair person and they said, due to the age of the tv and the noise directly from the tv, that they would check it out and possibly replace some part. I forgot the actual piece they said. I will keep everyone updated when this happens.
I was told recently to try a Jensen ISO-MAX to eliminate the hum problem from my TV antenna. I haven't tried it yet though, as I have the antenna wire plugged into a Monster HTS 5000. I was trying to replace the Monster piece with an Exact Power EP 15, when the hum started. I am using both pieces until I can remedy the situation.