Thiel owners, do you use a center channel for HT?

I have a new pair of Thiel CS2.4's. I was originally intending on the 5.1 home theater experience but am now pondering whether I should forego this for a dedicated 2 channel. The money aspect aside, do any of you with Thiels prefer a Thiel center and/or surrounds as compared to just the LR mains and a phantom center channel? One thing to note, I was also planning on multi-channel DVD-A and SACD, this ultimately won't affect my decision but I would like to explore it if the 5.1 is worthwhile.
I own the 2.3's and utilize a center channel although not a Thiel speaker. My mains are not located close enough to the TV. I wanted the voices to be cleary on the screen. HT is not nearly as important as 2 ch stereo is to me and I am not planning to multichannel sacd when I convert.If I was a big HT fan or mulitchannel fan , I would with out a doubt match the center to the mains.
I think you have to decide how much you really want the home theater and/or multichannel sound experience. Obviously, quality two channel sound is important to you as you've recently bought good mains. However, there are a only a limited, albeit growing, number of multichannel audio titles. You must also look at your room and decide if you have space to place the extra speaker. The Thiels throw a wide soundstage, and if you have a small room, you could probably do without. However, if room and money are not the issue, then why not have the extra speaker? if money is an issue, Thiel's SCS, SCS2 bookshelf speakers can be had relatively inexpensively if purchased on this site. Happy listening with your new speakers, whatever you decide.
The Thiel MCS1 definitely sounds GREAT with the CS2.4s. Some of the most coherent L/C/R sound I've heard in my system/room, CS2.4s and MCS1 center. Surrounds are less of an issue, just use a natural sounding surround, and you'll be fine. Two channel is my main focus, but if you do HT or multi channel, you'll appreciate the MCS1 with your CS2.4s. Tom.
Thanks for the response fellas. I am indeed considering the MCS1 for my center. As an aside, what associated gear do you guys use? I currently have a Rotel RSX-1055 integrated pre/pro. I intend to upgrade that to a Bryston SP1.7 and either Bryston or Rotel amps (depending on cash availability). I am currently using a low end Sony DVD player as source. I am considering either a Sony 999ES, Marantz DV-8400 or Ah!Njoe Tjoeb as my next source. If I go with the Sony I will have it modded by Modwright with the full package and tube output. Room acoustics are a bit of a mess, I have a very odd shaped room with a lot going on as far as reflection...its going to take some doing to get it to sound its best. The bugger is we rent right now so I expect that as soon as I get it dialed in we will end up moving :)