Die-Hard Proceed Owners...

So now that Harman has officially admitted to completely dumping Proceed, any hints of an ex-Proceed engineer or extremely talented, hard-core Proceed-head doing any 3rd party upgrades, et cetera???

Just upgraded with one of the last AVP2 upgrades out there. Thank God for 0% interest credit cards!
Ht4me - These are all good ideas. I'm in the midst of doing a little "key contacts" research. I'll let you know what I find.

Great idea about the gathering of press! Do you have a screen shot or hard copy of http://www.madrigal.com/proceed2002/avp.htm ? This link now just directs you to the Harman home page.

I don't think it would be a bad thing to aim a little high on the requests. Trade-in offers to Levinson gear is a good idea...assuming that Levinson continues to live up to it's name. Have you heard that Class A has hired 2 top Levinson engineers? Thier processor & DVD transport that are coming out are supposed to be hot stuff in a similar-to-Proceed price range. Though I think our investments, as you've said, are worth the effort.

Identifying Levinson/Proceed owners IS key. Where else on the internet do these guys hang out? One of my local dealers has completely washed their hands of anything Harman. They're a VERY customer oriented dealer & they took the lack of info & returning phone calls, when their customers wanted to know, as a sign of doom for Harman. They feel Harman lacks integrity & refuse to work with companies of such. My other dealer patiently hangs in there & has said they are trying to work with Harman on moving forward. Maybe my rep there can be of help.
I think this is a great idea. I communicated with people at Levinson a year ago on these topics and while courteous didn't really get definitive answers. Obviously that is why we are at this point. I am a heavy madrigal owner and woudl hope they are concerned about the marketing impact of dissing this group of loyal customers. I had one of the original pav units and bought the digital upgrade with promises of forever upgradability. Didn't happen but ML did give me a generous trade in when I purchased a Media 40. I also have the AVP2,PMDT, two sets of Revel speakers ect. Frankly if they don't do something for AVP2 owners and particularly suffering PMDT owners I am tempted to dump the lot go in a different direction and let my feelings be heard long and loud on this site as well as with dealers around the country I have dealt with. I picked up my AVP2 after the reorganization based on Harmans assurance that the unit would be supported under the ML line.I agree that at least the software on the avp2 could be supported for a period of time and the cost to the company would be easily overridden by the value of good will created. Any company giving that kind of support and honoring its commitment to customers would reap a large dividend in customer feedback.
The Proceed web site is now gone. The HK web site does not have any information on Proceed or any links. If this is how HK is going to treat and support Proceed owners then we need to make sure that our fellow Audiogoners are aware how they are going to treat them in the future.

Proceed (Madrigal.com) was offering up until Jan 31, 2004 a upgrade offer. They would give you 3000.00 for your PDSD/PAV towards the purchase of a Lexicon MC8 I think. The one that is $6000.00. They also mentioned that they will be offering a similar deal for trading up to Mark Levinson products as soon as they are up and running again. I haven't read all the posts on this board so maybe someone already mentioned this. So it seems that Harmon isn't dumping all of its Proceed customers.

You can still access the proceed website in its limited
state (i.e. just manuals).

Go to http://www.harmanspecialtygroup.com/

and click on Proceed Audio under the quick links menu.