Please give me your 2 cents...budget 30-50k

I am building my second home theater/music room. My previous attempt was extreemly expensive (in excess of 100k) and I sold my house and the system prior to using. I am attempting to cover both music and theater without going crazy. I am concerned about buying used gear, maybe it's not a valid concern but it's mine.

I have other systems in the house family, master bedroom, home office. This system will be in my guest house/ personal space, billards, bar, music, sports, etc.

I am considering Aerial speakers (7b,8b, or 9) Revel, B&W, Sonus Faber, Vienna...

Amps and pre/pro???? Proceed, Krell, Parasound Halo sereis, ATI, others?

Front projector HD 2 Runco, Sharp 12000, Marantz, Dwinn??

I have a varity of dealers here in Scottsdale Az. I look forward to your input.
If you're going to go the cheaper surround processor route -- I would suggest the Anthem AVM20. Much less expensive than the Lexicon, and
you have to go up to something like the Lexicon to beat it -- for Home
Theatre. Now, take the savings and buy a two channel pre-amp and you
*will* get better two channel music performance and home theatre performance will also be great. But, i agree -- if you want a one box solution and if Home Theate is of equal or greater importance -- get something like the Lexicon MC12B.
You guys have been great! My new fear is setup. I have always paid out the a## for this and if I build this system on my own are there people who will dial in a system for me? If I go with a local shop I will be forced to use what they sell which limits my options.

I am considering the Krell FPB 700 to drive either the 802's or 800 sig, or the Wilson Watt 6. Lexicon 12b as my prepro. Any thoughts?
That sounds like a nice system. Shouldn't be that hard to set it up.
Tuning it to the room is another story. Here's what I would do. I would
buy all of those components used. All of them appear regularly on
Audiogon and can be had for about 60% of MSRP. Take the savings and
hire an independant acoustics consultant to tune your system to the room. I would also make sure to install dedicated circuits to your system and do something about your AC. I would recommend Balanced Power Technologies BP-3.5 for your system. I doubt you'll find one used -- spring for a new one. It's the last one you'll ever buy.

Sabailey I owned the B&w N803 liked them, sold them and bought the Dynaudio's Contour's and love them.
If you are building a 2/5 system can you have a dynamic system that is still warm to the ears? Can Krell with Dyn c4 make this happen. Does the Lex 12 make his possible. I want a system that is easy to listen to, but siill gives you a punch. too much to ask? The 800's actually seemed a little flat to me.