2 channel movie lstening;is it worth the sacrafice

I have an B&K avr202 and would like to improve stereo listen on a budget: selling my 202+$500. Do I get a 305/307 or do I get a good integrated amp or 2 channel seperates and watch movies in stereo.....
Amen Brother! I had a surround system and came to the same conclusion. I now use an integrated amp with two speakers. Most movies that i watch have mainly dialog from the characters. Action movies bore me. Buy an integrated amp and forget all the speakers/wiring etc.
I put together a two-channel system for our tv-watching, and it works fine. Most of the good stuff in a movie happens inside your head or in the dialogue anyway, so a good two-channel does fine. Of course, this is mostly for the kids, and it helps that they were brought up on mono black and white. To them colour with good stereo sound is nirvana.
Give your heads a shake!! This is the Home Theater category, not a place for anti-HT/2 ch.-only guys to post...
Just for the record, I love my two channel music system, and I've spent way more money on that system than my home theater.
However, listening to a movie in stereo, when it was designed and mastered with a good multi-channel mix, with the director's approval, for the best performance possible, is ridiculous!! You miss so much of the intended effects and rob yourself of the best performance. It's like watching pan 'n'scan instead of widescreen - there's information missing!!
Of course, there are always exceptions, and yes, a lot of music concerts sound better in two channel PCM than they do in "compressed" DD or DTS. But overall, the multi-channel mix in movies is the way to go.
One other thing.
Why did you post asking for opinions, then next day put up a post saying that you had already sold the old stuff and bought the new two channel?
Either you didn't really want or need the advice, or you wanted positive reinforcement knowing that you possibly made a mistake, or you wanted to start a war here, or you're thinking of adding-on to the two channel....?
What was the point of asking?