2 channel movie lstening;is it worth the sacrafice

I have an B&K avr202 and would like to improve stereo listen on a budget: selling my 202+$500. Do I get a 305/307 or do I get a good integrated amp or 2 channel seperates and watch movies in stereo.....
Yep, you trouble maker Jceisner...whats next?, a tube/SS post! Get it together PAL!

Damn you, Jceisner, you made us engage in a discussion under false pretenses. This world will never be safe until people like you are rooted out and shown for what you are -- a discussion starter! The worst kind of participant to have on a discussion forum. This simply can NOT be
tolerated in a civilized society. You start a discussion, next thing you know, people are weighing in with their experiences and opinions and -- this can only lead to total chaos! You must be stopped!!!
You're right, oh Rsbeck....I will take two aspirin, turn up the electric blanket and assume the fetal position and try to stay out of trouble. maybe helmlock instead. greatest appologies. I was naive enough to think that I was really asking a question....john e