Center or Phantom Center?????

Why do we perfect our two channel setups.....and then add a center channel??? I's for the 7.1 movie setup.....and it anchors the dialog....and all that jazz. But shouldn't a good stereo setup up front do the job? I'm gonna a/b test my phantom center mode with the center active mode and report back here.

You might get excellent results with Phantom mode. However, most two channel systems that I've heard, especially those in smaller rooms, have a very narrow sweet spot. If it is just you listening/watching and you are not far off-axis, you should get good results with Phantom. If you watch as a group or sit off-axis, a well matched center channel speaker will probably work better.

My $.02 worth.....



I did the same test a while back after reading all the posts from people that stated no center was fine for them. In the end...It may be fine for them but it was not for me.

I gave it a week before I put my center back in the system.

IF you sit in the center, it is no contest: phantom center sounds better in the typical home theater setup (if it does not something is wrong with your pre/pro, speakers, and/or amp). Center channel speakers have too many issues, they have to match/be identical to the front speakers, should be in the center of the screen, the usual center channel MTM configuration does not work well in the horizontal position especially if sitting on the tv (which also causes a lopsided baffle).

The only reason for a center channel is for viewers way off axis.
I agree with Ultrakaz.
I made the test myself last weekend and phantom center sounded better, although it may be that my mains are far better and different brand than my center.

Will keep testing.
