What DVD should I use?

Well, I should receive a pair of speakers for my two channel home theatre endeavor, for the bedroom. What is the DVD that will show off, best, what these speakers can do. I'm not up on what DVDs are happening, in this regard. I'm not only interested in sound effects, but music as well. You know..the whole nine...Gladiator, comes to mind. Thanks in advance...peace, warren
Try looking at Behind Enemy Lines. Two scenes really stand out.The scene where the F-18 is being chased by enemy SAM's
and the scene where the downed pilot is threading his way thru a booby trapped factory. Awesome sound in DTS.
Okay, for music, how about the musical, "Chicago"? It sounds quite impressive on my rig. Also, if you want some killer impact, play the plane crach scene from "The Fight Club". Terminator 3 has some nice crunches and explosions, as well.
I always used the first Lord of the Rings movie for demos , when I had an HT set-up. The fireworks scene in the beginning is pretty incredible.

After having seen the third installment, "Return of the King" last night, I think I would pick that one. There's a scene towards the end, when Sauron is defeated...It sounds like that THX sound...pure madness. I'm sure that's a treat. There's also lot's of scenes that I imagine would sound good in surround. With that said, I watched "Return.." in stereo, so someone else might be better qualified to comment.

What kind of surround system did you end up with