I'm in Cytocycle's camp on this one. Eandylee, I was where you are about a month ago. I was sold on the 7200, until
I heard how much quieter the BenQ 8700+ was. The picture
was as good but less bright. I actually preferred the Benq's picture. I was sold on the BenQ 8700+ until I had a chance to view the Optoma H77. The H77 will cost abit more
(contact Ralph at Pollision) but my thinking was not too
buy down and always be thinking about the H77. It's very
quiet, V&H lens shift, and has remote control focus and
zoom and a stunning picture. With the H77, I never think
about BenQ or Infocus. And should be happy for a long time.
Good luck, deciding on a projector is a process. Think long