TV talk - Reliable TV - Tube, LCD, plasma...

Trying to research this can put one over the edge. Do newer technologies surpass tube picture quality? What is the most reliable?

I may be in the market for a new TV and I am wondering if it is best to go with something like a Panasonic Tau or move to something like LCD. Screen size could be anywhere from mid 30" to mid 40".

We all want a great picture, it's a given, but I want a reliable TV, one not ready for the scrap heap in a couple years, they cost to much.

Budget, anywhere from 1 - 2.5k. I see Tau's in my range for less the 1.5k or bigger LCD/Plasmas for more.
I appreciate the replies, they are not what I expected but I like what is said. If I keep my TV in its current position, I have no problem with the size of a tube TV.

With all the buzz on new TV technologies I was expecting to be told that they were the way to go. As stated above, tube TV prices are better, at least it appears that way to me.
Warren, you snuck your post in as I was posting mine. Why do you say the picture is to small on CRT's? Is there something to look for?
Too small for me. Diagnol wise. I'm into a great picture with the wow factor. And that begins at 42" and bedroom dictates 42. Check that Sammy out. It't ridiculous.....peace, warren
I got the CVC hd-ila w/5 yr.extended. With the advances expected in 5 years I'll want the newest best---then. Most crt's in addition to being big/bulky/heavy aren't converged perfect.---Then an additional 400 for isf. My jvc is right on the money;you can watch in the daytime. Dark shadow detail being the one drawback I just live with. Nothing is perfect.
Well I am back from town and basically have 3 TV's that have my interest, they are:

Sony KD-34XBR960 (tube) 34" - I can get it for $1979
Mitsubishi WD-52525 (DLP) 52" - Demo that I can get for $3200
Samsung HL-P4663W (DLP) 46" - I can get it for $3000

As you can see I blew by my budget on two of the TV's. The Samsung was at Best Buy and the other two were at the Stereo/Video store.

Let me add that I don't know much about TV's, in fact I just learned today that normal viewing is 4:3 ratio. All my viewing will be via DishNetwork, so these greater aspect ratios will get very little use by me, at least at this point; obviously if Dish starts putting out these signals I will be able to take advantage.

Between the big TV's, the Mitsu, which seemed very nice to me, seems to be the better buy, with my limited knowledge, over the Samsung as they are very close in price.

In talking with my salesman at the stereo shop, he says that with my Dish I will receive the best picture with the Sony (tube), I admit I can get caught up in the wow factor of looking at a bigger picture.

I am really torn between going with the (much lower priced) Sony vs. a bigger (sleeker) TV.