Which Reciver?

I'm new to the HT scene and am in the process of setting up a small system. Room size is 17' x 19.5', I purchased the mythos 1 speakers with def tech inwalls as the rear surrounds. I was thinking about the Rotel 1067 until reading some of the posts. Now thinking about the Outlaw 950, Arcam AVR300 and NAD T63. Any advice or other receivers to consider?
The Acrcam AVR300 is rather special, providing genuinely high end sound for both music & movies. I haven't heard every receiver in the marketplace, but I suspect you would have to spend literally thousands more $$$ to significantly better it.

I was originally committed to separates - I've had nothing but separates in my 2 channel high end stereo system for ages and I've been dissatisfied with several moderate to expensive HT receivers for one reason or another. But my local dealer talked me into an audition of the Arcam, and all I can say is...no brainer. I can easily see this piece staying in our HT rig forever...well...at least for a very long time ;-).

You could do much worse than the Rotel, the Nad or the Outlaw, and the Outlaw is a bargain. I have nothing but respect for B&K and Anthem. But the Arcam is in a whole 'nother league as far as sound quality and usefulness.

I didn't expect to get this good a performance from a receiver. I actually can't believe I'm buying a *receiver* and happy about it, but the AVR300 is that good.

Jeez...I'm even looking forward to *music* in surround. (NEVER thought I'd say that.)
I felt guilty wanting to get away from separates and go to a receiver just to clean up the cables and gain a smaller footprint, until I listened to an Arcam 300. Now that it is in my house, I ain't never 'goin back. The reviews are right, it isn't your imagination, this thing blows away any receiver, and I don't think you can come close at two to three times the price with individual units. Those that criticize have not listened to it, or are swayed by the price, which I at first thought was high, but they probably think it is too low to be any good. Now I realize what a huge bargain it is. It's two channel analog pass through mode made my tube preamp and solid state amp sound like a Bose Wave radio in comparison.
Not to burst the Arcam bubble, but I auditioned an AVR300 and a NAD T773 and there was little difference to my ears. In fact, I thought the NAD had a warmer sound. Just my 2 cents.