I think my RPTV went bye-bye

I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place for this or not, but here goes: this evening our 6 year old Samsung 52" RPTV volume went from normal listening levels to "all the way up" on it's own. No one was in the room when it happened. It wouldn't respond to the remote or the front panel buttons to lower it. Used the on/off button to turn the set off. Turned the set back on, a few minutes later same deal. turned the set off again, this time it won't come back on. unplugged it, plugged it back in, nothing. No power. Nothing operates via its remote, the front panel, the universal remote. No big screen in the family room for NFL Sunday ticket? Help me Obi Wan Kanobi, you're my only hope.
Seems to be in the air, I just lost my 8 year old receiver today..... well, it was fun to take apart.....

Now I just need to figure out what I want to replace it with.

Sorry to hear of the loss.
I'll give you my 55" Mitsubishi RPTV. I'll need your Scoutmaster as a deposit however. LOL. See my thread in the forum, "Ok, I took the leap..."
Or, this is your chance to celebrate as you make your way home tomorrow (I'm sure stores are open at least part of the day) with the new HDTV 50" Plasma or LCD monitor.
As opposed to just turning it off and on, try actually unplugging it for 5 minutes or more. This might reset the unit. Just a thought. Best of luck.

Steve Bachman
Phoenix, AZ