Beethoven Symphonies - best perf + sonics on CD

My CD's of Beethoven's symphonies were all issued in the late 80's or early 90's and sound flat and two-dimensional, with a back-of-the-house perspective. Vinyl is more dynamic but I can't tolerate the surface noise during the quiet passages. So, fellow A'gon members, I'm looking for your suggestions for the best sounding (good tone, big dynamics, front row perspective) and most thrilling performances of Beethoven symphonies on redbook CD. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
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K330, if you look at the release dates, one is from 1994 and the other is from 2010. Essentially this means that the earlier set is the original release and is currently out of print. The two should however sound the same as it doesn't appear as if any remastering was done to the 2010 release. You may find however that the earlier box set includes a booklet which isn't included in the later reissue.
Thanks, Goofyfoot! Good to know...seems like Penguin stays here and i will keep an eye out for Schwann!
Thanks, Rok2id and Goofyfoot for confirmation. Will get the 2010 set for such a good price.
You may wish to try the Beethoven cycle on Sony/DG with Paavo Jarvi and the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen. This are hybrid SACDs recorded in DSD, recently reviewed in the absolute sound issue 226. This is a chamber sized orchestra, maybe not to everyone's taste, but I like the Symph 6/2 disc I found locally.
I have heard good things about the Paavo Jarvi Beethoven good is the recording/mastering? Sounds promising...