Denon 2910 HDMI output

I use a Denon 2910 dvd player connecting to my Mitsubishi Plasma via HDMI, and every second my screen would flick! But when I use the DVI output from the 2910 into the HDMI input on the plasma, the screen is fine.
Does anybody know why?
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Sorry I can't help you, but I too, own the 2910 and get a gorgeous picture with my HDMI hook up. Avsforum, if you can't find the answer here, is the place to go. peace, warren
Huan, what do you mean by the latest firmware update? Now, I'm conerned that I may be behind the eightball. Never thought to ask. I assumed the outfit that installed this whole baby was on top of it. It's been about 6 weeks since I had the whole deal done. thanks in advance. peace, warren