Running dedicated circuits; What next?

Im in the process of running 2-20A 12ga circuits; one for my Dreadnaught and the other for preamp and source components. Would I be better off buying a power conditioner such as a Hydra or a power stabilizer such as a PS audio p-300.Right now Im using a cheap Monster strip. Which of these would provide the most benefit. Thank You. Justin
Be sure to invest in some good wall outlets (e.g., Porterports or Jena Labs) as part of your dedicated circuit project; then plug directly into the wall outlets. Next, get some Walker Extreme SST contact enhancer to use on all of your connections (power cords, interconnects and speaker cables). Unless you're having some severe line noise problems or some significant line voltage fluctuations, you'll get more sonic benefit making these investments before power conditioning.
I would also recommend trying just connecting directly to the mains, without any PC. I have dedicated circuits and PS Audio Pports, and have seen no reason to rush to powerconditioners ... yet.