How can I improve cableTV audio?

I currently run my cable TV directly into my Samsung Tantus TXN2798HF 27" CRT tv, and then take a pair of RCA audio outs to my VAC preamp.

The sound for TV through my stereo this way isn't very good at all, better than just the TV alone, but I'm wondering if I can do better? like run the coax cable into something else (a DAC? something else?) and then run the video signal onto the TV, and the audio onto my preamp?

I don't know of any DAC or otherwise that will accept the raw coax feed from cableTV. If you have digital cable, generally the set top cable box will have digital outputs. Sometimes these digital cable boxes can be set to PCM and the output can be decoded by a DAC, however the last two different digital cable boxes that I've owned output DD encoded signals only. A DAC will not decode dolby digital.


Yup Reubent nailed it. The best thing is to get an older box where the output is 44.1 or 48----Then hook that to a 2ch dac.----I have 2 direct boxes--one each. (DD and 48hrtz)
If it's not digital cable you might try routing your cable through a HiFi VCR and connecting the audio from that to your stereo. You'd need to use your VCR remote to change channels.