A/V Receiver Recommendations Under 800.00

A Friend is looking for an A/V Receiver for a new HT setup. Recomendations please. There Budget for the receiver is about $700 - $800. This unit will probably be paired with Dynaudio Audience 42's front, rear and center with a Velodyne Sub. DVD unknown.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xartizen65
I got an Onkyo TXNR 900...full features...good remote, tons of features and built like a tank....mail me if interested Chad
Thank you all for your recomendations. My friend decided on a Denon due to the WAF.

Decided on a Denon "due to Wife Acceptance Factor?" Do Wives know something I don't? maybe they know Denon is good stuff...hummmm. I'm Giving Women far too little credit when it comes to "Audio/Video/Electronics knowledge" I presume!...MY-BAD LADIES!!