OK, My uncle just gave me a old Citation 5.0 Pre-amp and an Lexicon LX-5 amp, My delima is finding a floor stand speaker for under 500 to compliment my decent pream and amp. What kind of speaker should I get?
I already have subwoofer, center and backs, but now need fronts. What should I do? Thanks, Any help will do..
I would allot a giant loogie full of phlegm to the bunch of you who have made fun of my spelling hypocrisy. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father was an elderberry tree!
Ultimately, the front mains have to be what suits your price range and sensibilities. In order to create a seamless theater experience, I think the most important consideration is a close match between them and your center channel speaker. Since you have a sub, full range floor standers aren't a necessity.
Marco, you forgot: "Now, go away, or I shall have to taunt you a second time!"
Ok sorry for the misspell, Thanks for all of your help by the way. I have still not decided on my main speaker yet. Current speaks running: (Citation 5.0 preamp and Lexicon Lx5 ) Free Old Cambridge Soundwork satellite fronts and back with a JBL 10 inch power sub. The center speaker is BIC America-DV62CLR-S. My Cambridge satellite is in the front is ridiculous. That is why I’m concentrating on getting the main fronts first. I know my pre-amp and amp is a little in the moderate end, but what can I say I got it for free. Now, I just need speakers to kind of match it just a little bit. My room space is around 14 feet square. Been reading hear; now I’m looking at both bookshelf and floor stand. I’m still a beginner at this Audio stuff, but have to start some where.
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