Worst Audio Injury !!

Anyone ever get physically injured because of your stereo? I was installing interconnects a couple years back and stood up quickly and hit my head on the corner of one of the shelves.I got a half inch gash on my forehead that seemed to bleed forever.When I switched from digital to vinyl I was used to the easy storage of CD's.I had my LP"s on the floor and one day went to bend down to get a LP out of the crate and tripped and hit my knee on the cornerof the crate.My knee still isnt right.And you?
Subwoofer accident? Sort of... and with sincere apology to Tubegroover: As a teenager in the late 60s I traveled around northern Rhode Island playing baroque organ at wonderful French Canadian churches sporting huge 4 and 5 rank organs (mostly made by the Casavant Freres of Quebec). I remember playing for a wedding service at St. Cecilia in Pawtucket, RI, one Saturday, and in the middle of the service saw a large shadow of a bird traversing the length of the cathedral below. It was a crow flying back and forth under the ceiling lights, casting airplane-like silhouettes on the congregation. Soon enough the entire crowd's attention was fixed on this aerial display, to the dismay of the wedding party. At the end of one pass the crow landed on the tallest organ pipe, a good 15' above my head. I reasoned that I could scare him away without disturbing the services by shaking him up with the 32' Bourdon. So I pulled out this mammoth stop, lowered my foot on the low C pedal, and felt the shudder of the 16Hz "tone" shaking the whole place. I suppose most folks assumed it was a truck passing by, or a mild tremor of some sort, but the huge infrasonic pressure wave startled the bird sufficiently to result in it falling down inside the organ pipe! Throughout the remainder of the service, to my horror, I could hear the bird rustling in the pipe, unable to get out! The priest and wedding party were grateful for the cessation of the aerial display, but I have never been able to forgive myself for this murderous note, and consequently limit myself to a sound system flat down to 32 Hz as penance! This is a true story...thanks for letting me get it off my chest....Ernie
Wow Ernie! What a story. I've heard of "Bats in the bellfree", but this takes the cake!! Just say three "Hail Marys and ..."
My worst one was when I almost broke my back and had to wear various Posture Correctors from Befit to hold my back intact for like a year. Yeah, it was that bad. How did it happen? I lifted our stereo and instantly heard a crack in the back. Thankfully I was able to recover pretty fast from it.
I recently built bookshelves and a console for my components. During all that time I was carrying plywood etc and my back started to hurt. Then I had to move my amp, 100 pounds, and tweaked my back again. A little later I was kneeling on the floor and lifted one of my speakers with steel base and spikes (130 pounds) and the pain hit me. I could hardly get back up.

It was mostly muscle spasm but with a sciatic/spinal stenosis component with referred pain down both legs (which is a bad sign). I could hardly move for 3 solid days. Had to sleep in a chair. Wife had to help me get dressed. Missed a day of work which I never do. Worst pain I've ever had and I've had broken bones and kidney stones. That's been over 6 weeks ago and I'm still not 100%.