Most overpriced audio component made

Are all audio components overpriced? It seems when I try to trade in a used piece that I paid 2000 for and I'm offered 175, I wonder if I paid too much in the first place.
Right on Joysjane. I became self employed about 2 years ago and still find it hard to believe how much I have to make just to cover expenses. This insight is why I rarely take up a dealers time if I do most of my shopping hear on Audiogon. There are overpriced products and then there is the dealer's requirement to make a profit.
Well put JoysJane. I have been trying to get a small business off the ground for about a year now. The costs are unbeleavable and never stop. I agree that expensive cables are marked up the most but I also think they are one of the best bangs for the buck in the industry. They make a huge differece second only to the speaker themselves.
LAMM ML2's. 18 watts 30K...please (and yes I have auditioned them extensively). He's laughing all the way to the bank.
Well I was going to responded to this, but you all have valid points. I agree the cables could cost less and be sold for less. Just cause its inexpensive, doesn't make it junk. I go into a hi end store to purchase good equip. and will audition it even if it is inexpensive. It's the dealers job to sell the product and have knowledge of it. If I wanted wire from Tweeter, I would have went there in the first place, not the dealers. So lets see some more affordable wire out there that is good. And if you feel good about ripping someone off, save your $1000 per foot wire for the uroligist. But don't bullshit us every day guys. Hell, I watched the dealer open up the transparent cables and was not impressed. I've taken home a $800 power cable to show my buddy, he's a master electrician. He laughed and said he could make me about 10 to 15 power cables at that price or more. I've done some electrical myself and I'd have to agree with him. Well, I guess I did respond to this.
I think that any audio component that is in the $10K price range, and is assembled on a printed circuit board, is overpriced (generally speaking). A minimum wage employee can solder resistors, capacitors, etc. in a PCB, which drastically reduces the labor expense required for assembly. (point to point wiring requires knowledge, and you have to pay for that knowledge).