What screen to buy with $1500?????

Hi: I have a small room, completely dark and no more than 2 people will watch DVDs in there form 10' away, thus fully centered. I have US$1500 to spend (new). Is it better to buy a small 20-24" LCD or Plasma, a 34-36" regular wide-screen CRT (Sony Wega) or a 40" rear projection CRT? what make or model? I will use component cabling from a McCormack UDP-1.

Front projection is the way to go! I sell systems like this and they are certainly more impressive than what you could get with a direct view display for the same price.
I would go with front projection, but raise the budget a bit. Big improvements can be had if you increase your budget by another $1000 or so for a better projector and a screen. Otherwise, you can't even be close to beating a tube CRT for the price. But it might affect your 2ch performance and 10' is quite far away.
front projection all the way. don't waste your time and money on a tube. invest a little more and you'll be the happiest guy in town!!!! you'll never go back once you experience front projection.