Beethoven Symphonies - best perf + sonics on CD

My CD's of Beethoven's symphonies were all issued in the late 80's or early 90's and sound flat and two-dimensional, with a back-of-the-house perspective. Vinyl is more dynamic but I can't tolerate the surface noise during the quiet passages. So, fellow A'gon members, I'm looking for your suggestions for the best sounding (good tone, big dynamics, front row perspective) and most thrilling performances of Beethoven symphonies on redbook CD. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
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Brownsfan, I can't recommend it highly just yet (not until I own it at least) but one of the reviews (possibly on ArkivMusic) highly favors this performance over any of the other period recordings. Apparently, Manze had done some extensive research and only used it to his advantage. Also, CPO is one of my favorite labels for its clarity of sound and its open soundstage.
I do own a Manze recording of him conducting Mozart with the English Consort and it's delightful.
I'll just have to do some creative financing to cover the cost, but that will be a couple weeks from now.
Well, the Hogwood AAM Beethoven cycle arrived today...early! 1st, 3rd and 5th are really great. listening to 5th now...i really like this set so far. Very well paced, both contemplative, taking its time and yet filled with energy...all of which is very nicely recorded. he keeps the tension nicely taut thru the 5th so far. not bombastic but with a dynamism that is fun to enjoy. And again, nice recording.
Goofyfoot, The review I read was on I got the idea it was another post HIP run of the mill me too. I do agree on CPO. Check out the Dvorak quartets. I love the first release. Also, I really like Venzago's Bruckner, and plan on ordering the upcoming Teleman St. Lukas Passion. Its a great label.
Brahms, I can love uber Teutonic, i can love lyricissimo Italian, but I can't warm up to anemic Brahms. If you order this and find it to your liking, let me know. For now, I'm hoping the Polini/Theileman/DSO portends much more Brahms, even if it has to come on Deutche Gramophone. What I heard Sunday in Chicago won me over. I loved that Brahms 4!
Agree, Lloydelee21. Very dynamic and very well paced. It's on L'Oiseau-Lyre, so naturally the sound is first-rate.
I wasn't sure about buying this HIP cycle; it's not widely reviewed, so I bought them all individually(used) and I'm glad I did.
Brownsfan, I'll see if I can grab up those recommended CD's from the public library. The library does purchase a good number of classical recordings but they typically make ill informed choices.

Anyway, so you're saying that the review that you read on the Manze Brahms was that it's run of the mill? Then there seems to be some inconsistencies between reviews, here are some citations from the review on ArkivMusic;

'Nevertheless, these recordings have much to commend them, and Manze achieves his goal, whether h.i.p. or post-h.i.p., of breathing new life into works stifled by their own performance traditions.'

'Fortunately then, the Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra ensures that every moment in these recordings is worth focusing on. The balance is excellent, a result perhaps of Manze going for a moderately sized string section. Vibrato in the strings is present but minimal, while the woodwind soloists are permitted a little more wobble. The constrained tones of the horns and trombones contribute most to the 19 th century atmosphere of the orchestral sound. The SACD sound is excellent, and the recording really benefits from the warm but clear acoustic of the Helsingborg Concert Hall.'

'Something different, then, to add to your Brahms collection. Manze pursues his aesthetic ideology quite doggedly here, but never at the expense of the results. He's too much of a professional to let his scholarship ever stand in the way of his intuitive musicianship, which must surely have played just as big a role in the formation of these interpretations.'

The reviewers on Amazon also give praise to his set so that's from where I've been formulating my expectations. This best way of course is to hear it for myself.