Top Audio Designers Of All Time?

We have all had fun and world of info have spilled forth from Audiogon members. Lets give ourselves a round of applause. From me a sincere "Well Done" to all members that have participated. I have learned a great deal. In this thread,which may be a little esoteric for some,lets hear from members that support certain designers. After all if not for their dedication and genius,we would not have the topic or equipment. Ill start the thread for the inventor Thomas Alva Edison.For it was his revolution,that we now find ourselves here. In the more contemporary era I vote for Nelson Pass. His white paper on Cascode/Stasis toplogy was and is truly ground breaking. In my opinion since 1975,other designs are a variation on a theme of Pass.
Jon Bau for making inexpensive speakers that cast a three dimensional sound.
Roy Gandy for inexpensive, high performance turntables.
These guys helped to bring hifi to the masses (if only the masses were more receptive !)
Lets not forget how & why were here to discuss audio. I give Audiogon and it's staff members a 5 Star rating for their courtious and promptness in helping to solve any issues that may arise and for creating such a wonderful website! A full round of applause for them!
I highly respect:
Paul Klipsch - seminal work on horn speakers
Julius Futterman - invention of the OTL power amps on which the venerable Atma-Sphere & Berning amps are based.

There are many others but these 2 stand out IMHO.
Chris Russel and Stuart Taylor of Bryston can be added to the list. While not having the impact of, say, a Pass or Curl, they continue to plug along at a constant level of excellence. And they only seem to be getting better!

Also a vote for the cantankerous Frank Van Alstine who continually cranks out enjoyable and robust products.

Think that a word for Scott Franklin and Bruce Moore is in order also.
Here is a list developed by the professionals, the Audio Engineering Society. True, it only would contain names of people who were alive when the list was developed and it does contain names of people who weren't on the "Hardware" and "Consumer" side of audio electronics, but I thought that it was worth browsing anyway. Many names will be unknown to most of us, but there are some which we should know, including Bob Ludwig, Wendy (Walter) Carlos, Robert Moog and Joseph Giovanelli (whom you will know if you read Audio Magazine).