Which Home Theater speakers for under $28,000.

I am looking for a 7.1 HT system including equipment for a 3,000 cu. ft. dedicated Home Theater & music room. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks
Electroman, sounds lovely! As they say, "this changes everything." I can hardly recommend larger main speakers when you're hiding them behind things. Doing more diminutive speakers behind the screen and in wall. That's out of my realm of knowledge. It sounds great! Very tidy/clean and aesthetically pleasing.
But, yeah, you'll have to do the two chanel again too. Man cannot live on HT alone...
You must post pics for us when finished!
OK, someone get Albert Porter in here. His opionion I trust.

BTW - because of some of these posts I just went to hear a Vandy 5a based system with their VCC-5 as the center channel, and the Vandy surrounds and Subs (2 V2W's), just to make sure that I was not crazy. Electronics were BEL and Theta Digital, with a Runco Projector (don't know which model but they said it had a scaler) and Stewart screen. All BEL wires and connects, video through the Denon 5910, audio Linn Unidisk 2.1. It was sublime for all media. Just for kicks, the store owner even hooked up a Rega P7 through the PrePro (Musical Fidelity X-lp phono stage with tube line stage in the path), and the sound was fantastic even through the PrePro.

This guy has been a dealer, a real dealer, for years and we live in by far the worst big city in the US as far as audio goes, and he still thrives. Anyway, he pushes people to certain product because he knows they will be satisfied. It is all a matter of what you like, and need. Very few businesses survive on reputation alone, especially in highly specialized consumer goods. Names like McIntosh, Magnepan, Vandersteen, Musical Fidelity, Nottingham, VPI, Wilson produce fantastic products. If they did not they would be out of business. To say their advertising pays off so well is a ridiculous assertion. In such a small commuinity as audio-philia only performance will allow a company to last, little lone thrive.

Also, to the "Dealer(?)" whose customer's Maggie 20.1's are having problems, send them to their area Maggie dealer for help. I am sure they have the requisite knowledge to help them clear up the problems these customers are having with what many real experts argue is the finest speaker made at any price. They may need to move them away from the wall, and plug in an amp that matches the speakers characteristics. Pretty tough to help them with that, but shouldn't be for such an expert dealer.
I wouldnt trust some of these self proclaimed experts for directions to a mall let alone my HT investment. but to Electroman, I hope you get what makes you happy and I wish I was in your shoes right now, best of luck on your project...please post results and pics when complete!

Happy Fourth of July to all!
Thank you all for your help and advise. I hope everyone has a great Happy Fourth of July-have fun.
Its good to see everyone's so sure of themselves that their entire opinion is based on what a few other guys write in a magazine. Ever meet an audio reviewer?

Way to be independent thinkers. How about some facts or where am I mistaken? How could I be this dumb and yet know how to build a theater better than you? Have you asked yourselves that question :)

BTW Elctrostaticman, despite lashing these Noobs for being very unimaginitive (with your money) I will recommend a system that will fit your budget and will be peerless in your room.

Sony Qualia 004
Immersive Simmetry DVD/Video processor http://www.immersiveinc.com/

Meridian G98xxl
ATC Concept 5 Active speaker system with 4 SCM 10's for rears
ATC Concept 6 Subwoofer

Don't get a perf screen if you don't have to. See if you can squeeze the center under. If the picture is a touch high it won't matter much and the Meridian can help you out if the center is a touch low.

Properly setup you will have the best audio/video for the money. If you live near western Chicago, My friend has this very system setup except it has a TAG McLaren AV192 at the core. Video is by far the best I have ever seen, and I know that he is working hand in hand with Immersive to actually customize and enhance the interface software specifically to the Qualia.

The audio system will afford you incredible dynamics for movies and natural vocals and music that many people in the music world see fit to make their recordings on, like DSOTM, infact the same front speakers Pink Floyd themselves judged the SACD mix on.

See, I know famous people who can back up my equipment too and there not a bunch of armchair critics.