Comments on Panasonic TH-42PX50U Plasma TV

I am considering buying the Panasonic TH-42PX50U 42" Flat-Panel HD-Ready Plasma TV. A 50" will not fit on my cabinet and this unit seems to fit the bill to replace my Sony 32" XBR TV. Has anyone bought this unit? Do you have any comments? Thanks..
Another cheer for the Panny TH-42PD25 EDTV Plasma. For this size (small) plasma I think that HD may be unessential. Yes, if you compare HD and ED side by side, HD is better, but, IMHO, is still overpriced.
The 42 inch panny HD sets had a changing black level problem last year based on inherent brightness correction circuitry. It is unclear as to wheteher this problem has been solved or not.

Panny 42 ED models do not have this problem, and provide a better image for NTSC region 1 DVD playback ( 480P) based on near one to one pixel mapping as opposed to upconverting of a DVD signal to HD res.

For true HD signal, and HD set has about a 10% improved resolution. 10% means that, for instance, a static bowl of fruit is slightly sharper and shows a little more detail on an HD set.
Hgeifman, ive had my panny 42 in. ED plasma for over a year now..and still get commenets from people such thats what HD looks like..and some of them have true hd stopped telling people its only ED..IMHO its NOT worth the extra money for a true hd set..if you have the extra 2 grand to waste ..go for far as the sets hic ups in over 2 years just hangs on the wall looking beautiful!!!