Best upgrade for the money ?

My system is currently comprised of a Sim Audio integrated amplifier, Micromega Stage 2 CD player, and Polk speakers. I'd like to improve the overall sound of my system but don't know where to start. I have good not great interconnects - Wireworld. My speaker cable is MIT(again better than average). I'm using the power cords that came with my equipment. Can anyone suggest where my money might best be spent to upgrade my system. I guess what I'm asking is what would have the most impact for say 500 - 700 dollars. Tweaks, better interconnects, higher end power cords? Any and all input would be helpful. Thanks - Rob
Thanks Sagger - Let me clarify myself a little. I should have said the Vandy's are better because I wouldn't have shelled out cash if they weren't. They are in the same vein as the Polk's, a little warm, good imaging but more open. They are my primary speaker now no doubt. But I'm willing to be you never heard these Polks with good ancillary equipment with the SDA portion removed (unplugged). I bought these about 10 years ago because I didn't know any better. I was driving them with a Yamaha receiver so that tells you what I knew about highend then. I have upgraded my amp 3 times, preamp 3 times, CD once, and cables too many times to count. I do disagree with you regarding MIT, I think they are best especially the latest shotguns. My point is every time I made an upgrade the system as a whole improved, sometimes dramatically. I think the Polk's have an uncanny ability to recreate the live experience (as much as possible anyway) in terms of size of images and soundstage. Anyway, call me crazy, because I am a little, but that's my take.
Gotcha Pops... you could be right on the MIT's. I'm more familiar with the older wire.
Way to hang in there POPS.Everybody hears things differently.Love the honesty. I ain't gonna take any side on the Polks;never heard them. I do agree w/Sagger/as do most knowledgable folk. It is hard to start at the top;but if the speaker doesn't reveal enough, what can you actually tell? Most of us have to upgrade incrementally. The room/resonance/placement would be the place to start. Most of the posters have pointed plenty of opinions/just about all good ones.I believe the speakers are the best place to start;again not saying the Polks are the problem.Like Pops's system,he likes what he hears.One needs to decide what you are looking to improve Power chords are seldom system dependent,and you keep them as you upgrade. As in win/win.