Best reviewers

Who are in your opinion the best reviewers out there ? Whether it be from stereophile, TAS or an audio forum, you surely have a few reviewers that you trust and respect. I nominate Robert E. Greene from The Absolute Sound as the best reviewer. He understands live music, knows how to describe what he hears, and appears to be impartial. Your choice ?
Also, I'm surprised, given the nature of this forum, that no one mentioned Verdi's Falstaff (based on yet another of Will's plays, The Merry Wives of Windsor, in which the character appears). Falstaff is in my view Verdi's greatest work. You will note, Mr eber, that he is also quite pompous, as are you.
I believe that there are contradictions in all people, if this is in fact a contradiction. Star Wars is referred to be a great many people as science fiction for the rest of us. I have come across no science fiction enjoyable to me, other than the Star Wars series. I have found everything else to utterly BORE me(among other things). NO apologies. Being that you cannot stand people who cannot stand science fiction, then you cannot stand me. That does not(and CANNOT) hurt me at all. I love all of the things you list about Star Wars. And while you go making statements about me philosophically(ant in an anthill), you ought to give thought to what it requires to really understand what another person is about(which is not possible from what I or anyone else offers on this site). If you refer back to Episode 1, one of the two Trade Federation pawns(Nute Gunray or whatever his name was) did specicifically address the later to be Emperor as Darth Sidious. I also share your leanings towards what will later transpire. Although, I have read in Newsweek that a potential plot is that Anakin's mom gets wacked, and it's at the hand of a Jedi. In one of those "official" books that explain the characters, etc. of the original trilogy, the Darth Vader "life support system" is explained as being necessary due to him falling into a pit of molten something during a fight with his former master, Obi Wan Kenobi. We'll see. I know I can't wait.
Well I haven't kept up to date on the Star Wars double Trilogy (sexology?) For pure synthesis can anything beat The Hobbitt and "Lord of the Rings"? A true world unto itself and the granddaddy of this genre of science fiction, language and the timeless plight of good" versus evil". And for any of you Led Zepplin fans a few of their early songs revolved around characters from these timeless pieces of literature.
First off, you are all wrong. Falstaff is A BEER, dammit! A character in a play? God, what sacrilege will be visited upon us next! As a life-long sci-fi afficianado I have to agree with Tubegroover, though Tolkein's works were more fantasy- than science-fiction. For me Herbert (Dune series), Heinlein (Starship Trooper, Stranger in a Strange Land and the Lazarus Long novels), Farmer (Riverworld and World of Tiers series) are tops. Interestingly, though generally not a big fan of the writer, Stephen King's "The Stand" is a classic good vs. evil story. It's one of the few novels brought to any screen where the true essence of the story was captured in its entirety. And it was made for TV of all media!